The Best-Selling Balance Bike for Kids
Parents choose our lightweight toddler's balance bicycle for one very simple reason: the iconic dual rear wheels. This innovative design gives the balance bike more stability, which means children learn to balance on 2 wheels faster and independently.
Two-stage balance bike for children aged 18 months +
9 inch rear wheel transforms from double-width to single-width.
Designed to improve balance, coordination, and motor skills.
Slot on handlebars for drinks bottles and other accessories.
Height-adjustable handlebars and a seat to ‘grow with them’.
Comfy grips and durable rubber puncture-proof wheels.
Lightweight aluminum frame
Helps kids ride a pedal bike by three or four years old – without stabilizers.
AGE: From 1 ½ to 4 years
SIZE (L X W X H): 26 x 11.8 x 17.7 inches
MIN SEAT HEIGHT: 11 inches
MAX SEAT HEIGHT: 14.2 inches